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Join Frisco HIS

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Please note: Frisco HIS is a women's support organization for homeschooling moms. You must be a mother or female legal guardian who is homeschooling one or more children in order to join.

Because we are a 100% volunteer-led moms' support group, our activities and events are NOT drop-off. Mom must be willing and able to participate and attend all events with your children. 

You are registering for the 2024-2025 school year which runs from August 2024 to June 2025.

The Purpose of This Group Is To:

  1. Provide fellowship and support for homeschooling moms and their children.
  2. Provide the opportunity to exchange resource and curriculum information.
  3. Provide the opportunity for field trips, group activities and ministry.

Qualifications for Membership:

  1. Mother or Female Legal Guardian (in the future referred to as Member) is actively homeschooling at least one of their children or plans to home school within the next year.
  2. Member signs and submits:
    1. Membership Application
    2. Statement of Faith
    3. Code of Conduct and Organization
    4. Release and Waiver
    5. High School Teen Behavior Contract (if applicable)
  3. Member submits nonrefundable membership dues. 
  4. Member abides by standards of good and honorable conduct at all group activities

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